Print My Heart

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

台北 101 - 烟花盛放 (IV)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

台北 101 - 烟花盛放 (III)

台北 101 - 烟花盛放 (II)

台北 101 - 烟花盛放 (I)

Although those photos are not taken by me, but at that time, I'm in Taiwan with my hubby and there is the live show and count down with whole Taiwanese. So admire the charming of the fireworks and the photographers as these wonderful photo...Well done! Cheers!!!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

台湾之旅 (VII)

西门町 -

西门町出名的美食有阿宗面线, 珍珠奶茶, 瞧, 我们就是在吃阿宗面线, 很忙叻, 要吃面线, 还要忙着拍照...每个人都捧着一碗碗, 或者两个人 SHARE 一碗, 像我们一样吃得不亦乐乎, 又或者一大班人 SHARE 一碗, 站在路边或路中央吃, 实在很得意...冷风直袭我们身体每个部位, 一晚热乎乎的阿宗面线下肚, 温暖了你我的嘴, 舌头, 喉咙, 食道, 肚子, 最后到胃, 太爽了. 一碗阿宗面线四十台币, 相等于马币四块钱, 新币两快钱, 就把大家吃的饱, 吃得开心, 阿宗面线, 囋...


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

台湾之旅 (VI)

What are our tour guide eat, look like so delicious???

Oh, is "Chou Tou Fu", San Keng ToFu Street. Jom, let us go for a meal of "Chou Tou Fu".

Taiwan Tibits - Produce from KaohSiung Taste like Muruku

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台湾之旅 (V)

九份 - 环境幽雅, 很古早老街的感觉, 似乎回到明初年代

黄妈妈蒟蒻麻糬, 外观好看, 又好吃,爽啦...

